Thursday, April 30, 2020


Thankful to wake to a calm morning after the wind rain and storms of the overnight that left 3 inches of rain in the gauge and flooded bottom pastures.
We got chores done and then grabbed a quick breakfast before heading over to daughter's house to pick up IR and get their trash and recyclables.
We also picked up RL who wanted to ride along while her mom had to go over to the elementary school to do some work.
We delivered eggs and went to the bank where the girls got stickers.

As we entered the long driveway up to the recycle center we saw these 2  tom turkeys following a hen turkey. They were pretty and the girls thought they were awesome especially when hubbie honked the horn and the turkeys gobbled.

we also made stops at the post office and the gas station then picked up lunch at the school for all the kids. We dropped EL and BB's off on our way home and g-son met us here to have lunch because they all loved the chicken rings that was today's entre.
Daughter with CA and d-in-love soon joined us and we all ate lunch.
The girls played awhile and then they all left.
They wanted to go outside and play but the day has stayed socked in cloudy and this was the mid afternoon temperature to say good bye to April.
Hubbie and I watched the news and then he sprayed weed killer around our walkways.
I realized I hadn't gotten out any decade pics for this month so I spent the evening working on this. I will add a couple post to April to get them all on here. I am out of my regular schedule so I need to concentrate harder on the things I have done regularly for years.
This different schedule should give me more time for these things but it seems I find other things to do.
I am spending some late hours tonight getting this caught up.
Looking back over this month there is not a lot to review as this has certainly been a different life right now. We've watched more and more things be shut down this month.  We spent a quiet Easter at home this year and did manage to get all the kids over here for our annual egg hunt.
We've had some severe weather during this month and some up and down temperatures that sent us covering up our early garden crops.
Hubbie and I both had our annual dermatology skin checks with hubbie getting an okay but the doctor took a Basil cell cancer off the back of one of my legs and I have to go back in June for a re-check on this.
We've enjoyed some family outings on the trials and started our season's marshmallow roast.
I've spent a lot of time just watching the beauty of our God's creations spring back to life after their dormant winter and enjoying all the color and designs of the most wonderful Creator of all time.
Thankful for the blessings of this month and looking forward to what God has in store for the coming month.
God Bless and Good Night


This is my uncle Anderson Holmes in April 1950 with a large fish he caught.
This is me on my brothers motorcycle in April of 1970.
In April 1990 we were very busy with little league baseball as both the boys played on the 8 year old team and hubbie and his friend Steve Starling coached the team.
#2 son wearing the #2 bats and gets on first base.

 #1 son wearing #14 bats and runs home.

Easter was fun that month with these littles although #1 son didn't want to pose for pics.

 This was the year daughter had broke her hand .

Fast forward 10 years to April 2000 and we were still watching baseball during this month as #2 son was in his junior year on his high school baseball team and our nephew Aaron was pitching for UNC Greensboro on a college scholarship.

The boys high school prom was that month in 2000 and #1 son as a senior went with his cousin and best friend that year.

#2 son was a junior that year and took a date to the prom with the rest of his close friends who all pooled their money and rented a limo to drive them there and pic them up.

Fast forward to 2010 and so many things have changed in our lives . This little boy came was a source of joy for all of us and he enjoyed an Easter egg hunt with his Aunt T.

We made a trip to the Pickens flea market that month and daughter kept a close eye on g-son.
We planted our early garden that month.
I was baking and sewing crafts to sell at the Curb Market also in that year.
And a special trip that month was a gift from all the kids to attend the Alan Jackson concert at the BI-LO center in Greenville, SC.

That's the  xxx0 decade pics for the month of April all in one post.
God Bless.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Woke to a cloudy sky this morning. I got chores done and had breakfast then called the vitamin and herb place in Asheville that carries the cholesterol supplements I take to see if they were open and if they had some of the supplements. They were open and had the supplements so hubbie and I stopped by to pick up IR to ride with us so daughter could have an online teachers meeting without interruption.
The place that had the supplements said everyone had to wear a mask to come inside their store so I felt pretty comfortable going in there plus I was the only customer there at the time I went and the cashier had a mask on as well as protective plexiglass around him.
We came back home and met RL and daughter with CA here for lunch.
As we got out of the car to come inside we noticed this tall Locust tree in the front yard and had never noticed it covered with big beautiful blooms like it is this year.

We all had a good lunch and then daughter and d-in-love went to get work done and I took RL and IR outside to play.

The wind picked up and a light sprinkle of rain ran us inside and the girls were content to watch a movie on TV. IR was fixing RL's ponytail !!!

After daughter  picked both the girls up hubbie and I headed out in the rain to get chores done early before the heavy rain and storms get here.
The rain was coming in waves of really heavy then slacking off so hopefully it won't flood.
Hubbie and I came back inside and watched the news and had a light supper.
I did weekly paperwork and paid bills.
We did receive the $2400 stimulus check from the government which will help offset the loss of any baked goods sales for the last month and a half and for who knows how much longer. I am not in amy hurry to get back out into the public with the covid virus numbers still climbing in our state by about 500 per day and our county leading the western part of the state and having a case increase each day as well.  
Each time it is necessary for me or hubbie to get out around anyone besides family we always wear our mask and try to keep the 6 foot distance recommendation.
The officials have no idea when this virus will slow down or what they should do about getting the national economy back up and running so this is a very interesting part of this country's history.
The storms hit here right as darkness fell and it has poured rain and the wind is really gusty but thankfully only distant thunder and lightening.
We are just grateful for the protective arms of our Lord and Savior and pray each day that His will be done in all of this mess.
God Bless and Good Night