Sunday, August 30, 2009


At church today we had a very good service and as usual I was reading ahead in my Bible to a note at the bottom of the page that hit home with me and the trials of this past week.It said when you get overwhelmed,if you will think back and remember the troubles of 1 year ago,6 months,or even 1 month ago you will find that you can't remember much about them and find that God worked them out all in His good time.And it dawned on me that this is why we always say "I'll sure be glad when this is over"because we know we are not going to be able to remember these troubled feelings long. I have a pretty easy going lifestyle and don't like the stressed out feeling that comes when my regular routine gets interrupted, but life is full of interruptions,they happen everyday,big and small, good and bad, and the problem comes when in our humanness we make them a big deal instead of accepting them and letting God work us through them.Note to self (stop stressing).
Lunch was good today,roast,green beans,potatoes,corn on the cob,fried squash,rolls and iced tea,with d-in-love's apple cake for dessert. Only one missing today was #2 son who is playing golf.
We all went outside,hubbie and #1 son located the waterline into the house. It started raining and #1 son's family left,daughter and b-friend went with them,hubbie took father-in-law home,that is going to be interesting as they left father-in-law was mumbling about some papers that needed to be found,have no idea what he is talking about and the bad thing is he doesn't either,oh boy.
We have the windows and doors all open in this nice cool weather and I am just sitting with no TV listening to the sounds outside,it is so relaxing and quite.
When hubbie returned he said the papers in question were some old war bonds that his mom had cashed in several years ago.Now we are wondering what or who brought this into dad's mind,we never know who visits him because he can't remember to tell us.We know some mormons have been going over there because hubbie found some literature from them with a name and phone # on it so I am calling it tomorrow and asking them (nicely) to stay away.Brother-in-law doesn't think they will heed the warning but I'm giving it a try anyway.As soon as things settle back down hubbie and brother-in-law and I have decided we are going to try to get dad in a care center somewhere at least for the winter months.He seems to get worse every week and is really getting feeble.
It has been sprinkling rain off and on all evening so I went on a short walk with the dogs and the air outside really has changed and has a real fall feel to it tonight,the high today was 78 and tomorrow it is supposed to be 68, WOW what a difference a day will make.
I did something I hate to do on Sunday tonight and canned 10 pints of tomatoes.Lord please forgive me but they had to be put up and I don't see time in the next few days to do it even if they would last.Daughter and b-friend came through on their way to run,they are running a marathon at the Apple Festival this coming Saturday.I made my to do list for tomorrow's Avon route,we decided that I would go ahead and run it tomorrow in case the plumbers come back Tuesday to hook up the well.
Today's plants are pretty common and have no great uses or threats.These beautiful blooms are called IRONWEED ,it is in the aster family.Some varieties are used to treat stomach ailments and the early settlers used the root to treat post childbirth pain.Hummingbirds and butterflies love the nectar rich blooms and this is another flower that blooms during the migration time.The stems are very strong, thus the name,kite frames were made from them.Here is a very common menace of a plant,it is called the BULL THISTLE and stems,leaves,and blooms are covered with painful stickers.The only good thing about this one is the pretty bloom turns out wind blown seeds that birds love.However there is thousands of seeds in each pod and the majority of them form other sticky plants.
Well it is getting time for doggy bath time and then early to bed tonight as it is only 10:00.
May God Bless and good night.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I'm so glad that you are going to try and get paw paw jb into somewhere. I think it will really really help him.