Monday, January 4, 2010


G-son arrived early this morning so dad could go to work early,but dad's equipment was frozen and it took him almost 2 hours to get it thawed!
I had to get back into my Avon business today,I ran my whole route,passing out books and picking up a couple of orders.Found out that 1 lady has left town without paying,GRRRR!
I had to make some pictures of the local car wash, the waterlines must have burst making this cascade of huge icicles in both bays and even some colored ones.I'm sure someone is looking at an expensive repair here and did they really think the orange barrels were necessary????. This is just one example of not preparing for this type of weather around here. This winter is what all winters used to be like.But like I said in an earlier post anyone who has lived here less than 20 years doesn't believe it. The high today was about 24 again,but at least that's 24 above 0, not below!!! I'm concerned with the newer houses like both son's and our new well and plumbing,I just hope these will all hold up through at least another week of these temps.
I worked all afternoon taking down Christmas decorations,g-son enjoyed helping take them down as much as he did putting them up. After we had gotten the tree and other decorations out of the living room. Hubbie who had been working outside putting some extra post under our sunroom came in the house and g-son said "welcome to my new living room". He was excited to have room to ride his tricycle again.
I have most everything boxed back up and all of it is stacked out in the sunroom. Now tomorrow will be a cleaning day before I put the regular stuff back on the shelves. Funny thing I can't get things back in the same amount of boxes that I took them out of,figure that out?????
Listening to the late news,then headed for a soak in a hot tub to maybe ease some of the soreness in my back from all the lifting I did today. It is 18 on the outside thermometer at 11:00.The wind has thankfully died down some,it was blowing down the chimney,puffing smoke out of the woodstove. I wonder what people used to do that had fireplaces when the wind blew like it has tonight,I would think it would actually blow the fire out or all over the room one or the other. Hubbie says we need a chimney cap,he'll check on that tomorrow along with a cattle water tank heater to keep the water thawed so we won't have to keep breaking ice.
God is so good,I'm so glad He loves me! Good Night and God Bless.


Anonymous said...

I hope the warm soak in the tub and a good night's rest helped your back to feel better. You saying your g'son rides his trike in the living room reminds me that when I was little, I did the same thing!!!
Those icicles are something else. Here in GA the high yesterday was 30 and low this a.m. is 17. We are supposed to have snow by Thurs.

Claudia said...

I happen to have the same problem with my Christmas Decorations and let's not even talk about the tree that once I got it out of its box the first year I've NEVER been able to put it all back. Ha ha ha.

Nico helped take the decorations down too but he got side track pretty quickly when I let him play with one Santa ornament he had wanted to "touch" for the whole month, no more help was provided after that but he was happy and so was I. :0)

About my last post - Nico's new bed is a trundle bed, we just haven't put the 2nd bed together yet but it is an option if my mom wants to sleep there too ... he he he he. Not sure he'd want that though, he's going through this "I'm a big boy" stage right now and he wants to be in his room by himself at night, with his flash light looking at his books and he says "Mommy you can leave now" well excuse me sir! where has my baby gone? oh that's right I'm getting ready to have another one of those, right? hahahaha