Tuesday, February 16, 2010


When the snow's just right,you can see the groom in his top hat leading his bride,her train flowing behind....
Can you see it???? Click on the picture to enlarge it after you read the next line.
From a distance,it really does look like a man (left) standing beside a woman (right) in a veil and long dress with a train curling down behind.
As legend has it a young couple fell deeply in love,but the girls father wouldn't allow them to marry. They were so much in love,however,that they decided to run away and get married,even without parental blessings.The couple planned everything in secret,and one cold,snowy night,the young man came to the girl's house and they stole away under cover of darkness.Her father heard them leaving and chased after them.The couple ran up on Mt. Pisgah to get away from him,but the father was staying close behind,threatening to kill the young man. Unfortunately,in their haste on the dark,cold and icy trail the young couple clinging to one another missed a turn in the path and fell off the mountainside. The girls father found them,and knew he had caused the tragedy. Forever after, so the legend goes,whenever it's cold and snowy,you can see the "bride and groom" in their wedding finery on the side of Mt. Pisgah.
It's obviously a rock formation that ices over and stands out white in winter,but ask yourself why it takes the form of this couple???? These mountains are full of legends such as this and if you research some of them you might be surprised at your findings. Who knows if this one has any foundation but the bride and groom legend sure is more romantic and interesting than just an icy rock formation,right???
Okay, can you tell this has been a boring day of housework and laundry!
Hubbie and daughter went to see f-i-l tonight and he was unresponsive,the nurses said he had really fell off a cliff today,maybe for his benefit it won't be much longer.But I find it very hard to pray for death!!!!????
Was trying to watch the Carolina/Ga.Tech b-ball game,but being a Carolina fan I just had to cut it off!
It has been a sunny day but the temperature was only 35 for a high,it is already 23 at 10:30 tonight.
Good Night and God Bless.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Marilyn, I had not heard that legend.. How neat... IF I ever get over your way again, I will look for them... That is super. Thanks for sharing this.

Our high today was only 23---and we had snow off and on all day... 8 inches for us now. BUT--hopefully it is over!!!

Don't pray for death... Just pray that God's will is done.... I'm sure you do. I just hope your FIL doesn't suffer. I'm sure he isn't.

God Bless You and your family.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning,
I love the NC mountains and that legend is interesting. We had a high of 31 on Tuesday and that's about what it is this Wed. a.m. The wind has been so brutal this week. I continue to pray for your family to be strong and at peace and your FIL to be pain free. God bless each of you this day.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I totally enjoyed the beautiful views and the legend of Pisgah Mountain. I'm so sorry about your FIL. We went through of five months of PoP my FIL suffering and all he wanted to do is join the angel band! I learned at that time there are things worse than death. I will pray peace upon you.

I just wanted to thank ya for hoppin' on my blog. I sure hope ya'll enjoy the ride.

Have a good day and may it be filled with blessings from above!

KK said...

I used to live at the base of Mt. Pisgah, and is always thought that looked like a Native American symbol for an eagle when it iced over. I never knew the legend of the bride and groom. Thank you for sharing!

I would like to follow your blog but don't see any way to do that?

Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoy this tale of the Bride and Groom of Mount Pisgah by my friend Ken Israel and myself. It is told from a South Hominy point of view.


ss wedding photography said...

something great

Unknown said...

Can see it today! Beautiful!

thipi said...

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