Sunday, March 21, 2010


Ohhhhh!!! I didn't want to get up this morning,I think I over did it yesterday. After dragging myself out of bed,I was almost late for church. Had a good service,still going through Romans and the teachings of Paul as he dealt with the Jews.
Sunday lunch was only hubbie and I and #2 son. Then he went down and helped hubbie saw some limbs off the trees that fell across the creek. The neighbor is trying to pull them out and ask this morning at church if we could cut the top out that has fallen onto our side of the creek so it will be lighter for him to move. Wouldn't you know it started pouring rain as soon as they started down the hill and they were soaked when they got back.
Daughter had a migraine yesterday and is still suffering effects form it, d-in-love went to a baby shower for a girl at church,she came by and picked up my gift to take. #1 son went to other g-mas to pick up g-son and they came by to eat about 3:00,daughter came up and ate with them.
I am having a stand off with my feathered friends today as their is lots of seed on the ground and I'm not filling the feeders until they get some of it cleaned up.I have a feeling these little furry friends had a lot to do with the seed being on the ground ,but they were doing their part to clean it up.My Brown Headed Cow bird was back to do his part in the clean up.
As the rain got harder and the wind blew this evening got really nasty outside,so it was a good evening for me to take a much needed break.
Just heard on the news that the new health care bill just passed,I think we have just lost a big chunk of our freedom!!
I'm going to get off the computer now as it is coming a thunder storm with a lot of lightning.
I'm just glad God is still in control !!!! Good Night and God Bless.

1 comment:

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Amen to losing a chunk of our freedom.... This is only the beginning of govt. take-over. I cannot watch the news anymore. I just cry and cry... It's so upsetting to me. God Help us ALL.

Thank God I have some distractions in my life (my birds, our hiking and traveling, etc.)... Otherwise, I don't know how I'd get through this at all.

We had rain today---and it's going to get cold --and maybe some snow tomorrow. GADS!!!!

Have a great Monday... I will stay AWAY from the news.