After picking him up,I discovered he didn't feel good either and was very ill tempered,that makes 2 of us today!
After some trial and error choices for lunch,he finally ate a piece of french toast,some snitched cupcakes from Aunt T's baking and I had a salad.
This is a beautiful day,bright sunshine but a little cool, we didn't get any freezing temps or frost last night thankfully,but tonight is suppose to be even colder. I'll cross my fingers and toes again. I left my pots inside and I'll just have to put my cover
This is another favorite azalea,it is the only double azalea I have.
Last winter the snow that slid off the roof hit this row of azaleas and damaged them,I was sure hoping this one would be okay and as you can see it mostly is.
More bloomers in my yard are
This Japanese Maple is not a bloomer but is an eye catching beauty with its red leaves.
These Hosta's are not showy bloomers either,but they are one of my favorite plants. In this Hosta bed there are 2 giant leaf Hostas and 3 variegated leaf
And of course we can't forget the veggies. We have tendergreens ready to pick and eat,the cabbage and onions are coming along,but the leaf lettuce is a bit slow coming up.
The fence has served its purpose well as not one rabbit bite has been taken out of anything. Something happened to the broccoli plants I sat out,I only have a couple left,might have been bad plants since nothing happened to any of the cabbage
Here is daughters Lilys that she bought several weeks ago.
They are so pretty,I have them snuggly wrapped in a blanket tonight. She made this bed for them and hubbie has built her a larger raised bed for herbs and a few veggies ,he is finishing it up tonight so it will be ready for what she gets at the Herb Festival on Saturday.
I did paperwork and payed bills tonight before icing caramel and chocolate cakes. I made extra icing of both so daughter could ice some of her cupcakes with my icings.That way customers can get a cheap sample of my cakes. I have only 1 order for tomorrow but it is for 5 cakes. While g-son slept this afternoon I made 3 towel aprons,fix
The towel aprons are made from bath towels cut in half with a waistband,ties and a pocket added. The baby quilt is 2 blocks bigger than the picture shows,it measures 45" X 36" .
The oven mitts make nice cheap ($3) gifts for pet sitters,etc. Craft sales seem to be picking up right now which is really strange,but then I've
Daughter just finished her cupcakes and went to bed. It's 11:00,I'm watching the local news and them I'm outta here also. Hubbie just built a fire in the wood stove downstairs,
this cold weather just won't give up!!!
Praying for God's blessings on my family tomorrow and forever.
Good Night and God Bless.
Hope you are feeling better today, Marilyn. Today is the warmest morning we have had in awhile. George and I actually got to sit outside and do our devotions on the swing.
Your yard is looking so pretty. Our Azaleas are blooming also --at least some of them. The two in the front yard (in a shady area) bloom later. We also have some Rhodies blooming. You????
Love your quilt, dolly and the aprons.... And those oven mits are neat. I'll bet your market is a special place. Hope I get to see it sometime.
Where is it exactly in Hendersonville anyhow???? Send me an address please...
Have a wonderful day, my friend.
read why not try here read here see post go to these guys check that
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