Thursday, August 19, 2010


Slow market day today,each year when school starts there is an absence of customers for about a month. Our county schools don't start until next Wednesday but some of the surrounding countys started this week.
It is also still very hot and now with the clouds and rain showers everyday it is very humid.
Fans in the market seem to just move the hot air around so there is not much relief,but hey, it's summer time !!!
I ran errands after market with a few Avon stops included and it was after 5 when I finally rolled in home. After unloading the van hubbie and I took a short break while it came a rain shower. The showers have been intermitant today. I got wet at a couple of my stops and the others it was totally dry.
#1 son and d-in-love came by to show us the vehicle they just traded for. They traded their Nissan Sentra for a Jeep Patriot so they would have more room and 4-wheel drive for this winter since it doesn't look like he is going to be driving his big straight drive truck anytime soon at least they now have 2 4-wheel drive vehicles.
Hubbie and I went to work at church, boy was it ever hot in there. I feel like I've sweated more this summer than ever before. But I think we are affected more by the heat because we stay in air-conditioning part of the time and that makes the heat seem more intense.
Our bodies never adjust to the rising temperatures because we go in and out of air-conditioning. Don't get me wrong I love my air-conditioner, I'm just saying !!!!
Here is the decade pictures I found for August in 1990....This is the Bible School gang,my three kids are first 2 and #1 son is in the red shirt. We were lucky enough back then to have enough people who didn't work to have Bible School in the mornings. Which was a lot better as everyone had more energy at that time of day.Not sure which theme park this was taken at but we always took the kids to at least one park before school started back.That year we went to Garden City beach just above Myrtle beach.We built our barn in August of 1990, my Uncle Bob from Michigan came down and helped us for almost 2 weeks while we were building. That's him sawing while hubbie is on top.We were making our living farming then also,we had 100 head of cattle and worked 100 acres of hay and pasture land. This was the first tractor and square baler we had.
I look back at these pictures and think of all the hard work back then that just seemed part of everyday,whew, I guess that is a sure sign I'm getting old !!!
God has blessed me richly throught he years and I strive to show Him my gratefulness everyday.
Good Night and God Bless.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh how I love seeing the old pictures, Marilyn. I'm sure that farming is a very hard business.. I have a blog friend in western Colorado whose family is still in farming. They harvest pinto beans (LOTS of them)..She recently sent me some in the mail... YUM...

Your 3 kids were fairly close in age, weren't they? My oldest son was born in '63 and the other two (only 16 months apart) were born in '70 and '71.

What happens to those delicious cakes that don't sell at the market? Can you freeze them? OR--do you only make them for people who have ordered them?

Have a great weekend. It was 64 when we got up this morning... WONDERFUL--and the first cool morning in a long time.


Grace on the Narrow Path said...

That Flintstone Fred ... I think was at Carowinds. It seems I have some pictures with my oldest sitting with Fred too!!!