Thursday, August 9, 2012


G-son arrived before 7 this morning,hubbie who took the day off to stay with him today got up to get him in the house and lost his spot in bed. G-son is used to going back to sleep on hubbie's side of the bed so this morning he didn't consider his pawpaw was here.
I got ready for market while hubbie fixed g-son's breakfast and then he helped me load.
Daughter came in with her baked goods and helped me finish unloading and get set up before she went back to work.
It was a slow day today,but I'm thankful for all I did sell.  All my neighbors were complaining about how slow it was this early in August. We usually expect a slow down after school starts but that is a couple weeks away.
It stated to drizzle rain just as I was loading after market and I got soaked at several stops I had to make. I got my new glasses after several adjustments and they seem to be working fine so far.
As I got closer to home the rain got harder but I remembered that I need to wash the salt and sand from the beach off my van. I imagine everyone who saw me go through the car wash thought I was a crazy lady, washing her van in the rain !!!
Hubbie helped me unload and then we rested while a storm passed by. #1 son came after g-son just before the hard rain started.
We did chores late trying to wait out the rain but had to get them done in a steady drizzle. I emptied 1" of rain from the gauge before I came back inside.
We made a trip to Sam's Club that we have been putting off for a week and made it out just before they closed.

The 2012 summer olympics are winding down in London and I heard today that the USA has won 39 metals, 26 of them were won by women, you go girls !!!
And now I am headed to bath and bed after a tiring day !!
 Thanking God for the blessings of health and opportunities today.
Good Night and God Bless.

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