Saturday, November 17, 2012

2012 TOY RUN

Market was pretty busy this morning after a chilly,slow start. When I first got here the parking lot was almost empty but as the temperature warmed up so did business.
Hubbie helped me get set up and then headed to the feed store and home for hopefully the last lawn mowing and leaf sweeping of the season.
Daughter came in after her basketball practice about 12:30.
I made supply stops in four different stores on my way home trying to take advantage of all the sales on the things I use so it was 4:30 by the time I finally made it home. Hubbie was just finishing the lawn and helped me unload. Whew !, I had a van load today for all the orders next week.
We did chores and had supper before I started baking cakes. I will need to work everyday between now and Tuesday to get everything done.
Today was the annual "Toy Run" by the local bikers association.
There were over 500 bikes this year that made their way through the streets of downtown to the courthouse steps to drop their toys off.
A new ride for Santa Claus ??????
There were lots and lots of toys and also they raised $6000 for the needy around our county.
Thanks to their generosity many families who otherwise would not have had a good Christmas will be able to have food on their tables and presents under their trees for the kids. This always puts me in awe of what can be done with kindness and care for your fellow man.

I baked 20 caramel cakes tonight.Thank goodness for large ovens !!!  Now if I could only find a way to ice them as fast as I can bake them!!
Looking forward to worshiping my  awesome Savoir tomorrow in church.
Good Night and God Bless.


jeanlivingsimple said...

Love that your local organizations are helping those who need it.!!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks to the Biker Association for their gifts to needy families. AWESOME...

Wow--you have really made lots of cakes this week!!!!! Don't know how you do it....

We finished our yard today (we hope).... There are a couple of trees which still have a few leaves on them---but hopefully, they will blow far away from us!!!! ha


Gail said...

Oh, that all our hearts could be this full of giving.

linda m said...

That is a fantastic local organization to help the needy. I love santa on his gorgeous bike.