Thursday, April 11, 2013


Off  to school then market this morning. It is a bit cooler today but still comfortable in short sleeves.
The clouds with the storm front expected later today are already starting to roll in and bank around the edges.
Market was slow with the aisles looking more like this most of the day rather than full of customers.
My table was well stocked and I had friendly greetings for those customers that did come through. I am very thankful for what I did sell today.

After market I did the weekly errands and grocery and baking supplies shopping on the way home. As I walked through an aisle at Walmart I heard someone calling for Neena and thinking there surely can't be two Neenas in here I backed up to the end of the aisle to find g-son and other g-ma. They were on a "spiderman" hunt. Everyday he has a different super hero these days, yesterday it was Wolverine man,today superman, who knows what tomorrow will bring !!
I made it home at 4:30, got unloaded and was taking a short break by the time hubbie came in from work. He was tired also so we dozed while we watched the news then did the evening chores.
It is socked in with dark clouds by now and very windy, we are already under a Tornado watch.

The line of storms has held together all the way across the country,causing damage along the way from wind,hail,snow and ice along with the flooding rains.
Tonight it is our area's turn for the nasty weather. Arriving just as I went out at dark to shut the hen house doors.
Huge rain drops pelted me as I ran back to the safety of the house before the lightening and thunder started. The rains have been coming in waves of really heavy then lighter for over an hour now at 9:30.
I figured I had better blog early in case the lightening got closer and affected the internet. Sometimes just the heavy rain interferes with the DSL that we have.
A nice quiet night would be nice as tired as I am but it doesn't look like that will be the case tonight.
Grateful to God tonight for the blessings of the thirst quenching rain and praying for His protection from the severe storms.
Good Night and God Bless.


Unknown said...

We had the rain storm too, with a little thunder and lightning, but no tornado thankfully. Today should be a little cooler; hope you have a good one!

linda m said...

Hoping you are all okay! We have been getting hit hard by all the rain. Praying that we all stay safe. Have a good weekend. Blessings