Brrrr !!! I'm still getting used to these cool mornings and g-son is still in shorts so that makes me even surer the older I get the colder I feel.
After chores and breakfast #2 son came by and picked me up to go out to the local Duke Energy office to see what we could find out about getting power to the property he is looking at.
To my amazement in this day and time of all our modern technology we found out there is still places that can't get power !! This property is not in the middle of the forest or on top of a mountain, it has at least one hundred feet of road frontage on a heavily used paved road in our community but since Progress Energy took over Duke Power they have become very un-customer friendly and since it would require putting up some poles along this stretch of highway they refuse to do it.
There is a neighboring property that has a main power box on it but apparently Duke Energy has no right of way in or out of that box. The owners of that property threw out a figure of $10,000 for every 10 feet of right of way that we would need to get power from that box which is about 50 feet from the property line of this property he is looking at. Yes, that's $50,000 !!!! Who could do that but a big developer which I'm sure will sooner or later buy this property along with an adjoining piece that could be for sale also for a total of 35 acres. That would be a large development so I'm sure that is what will happen in the near future. Needless to say #2 son won't be buying this property and he was sorely disappointed. I wouldn't want neighbors like that anyway !!!
After lunch I baked cakes, 12 caramels, 2 chocolates, 2 coconuts, 2 pound and 2 blackberry wine cakes.
I managed to set up my pumpkins and mums I bought , but I need some more things.
Sadie, my tri-colored Australian shepherd is not feeling well at all today and even though she followed behind me on my walk this evening she was slow. She isn't eating anything but is drinking so maybe she will get over whatever it is that's bugging her.
This is #1 son's new house ,they have settled in nicely.He is "on call" this weekend so that is his DOT truck in the yard.
I watched the sun go down while I walked.
As I came back up to the house I passed under my Persimmon trees and picked up some to get the seeds from. Hubbie and I cut the seeds open to see what kind of winter they are predicting.
This is the page from the almanac explaining how to read the seeds.
And this is a picture of the predictors for different winters.
And now the reveal for this winter's weather !!!!!! DRUM ROLL PLEASE !!!!!
Looks like we are going to be doing a lot of shoveling snow !!!!
I've never tried this before even though we have several persimmon trees in the yard but I will each winter from now on especially if this turns out to be true !!
Other signs of bad winters that are going on this year is the flurry of activity of the squirrels gathering nuts along with 12 layers of shucks on corn ears. Hubbie says he has seen some almost all black Wooly worms but the couple I have seen have a pretty long brown band in the middle.
Guess we will have to wait and see. I know I feel unprepaired this year as I haven't had any produce from my garden,vines or trees to put up this year with all the rain and no sunshine.
Guess I'll stock up from the grocery store !!
I iced cakes tonight early so we could load the van tonight and be ready to leave early in the morning for Old Timey Day at market.
Daughter brought pizza's by for us to keep warm for the 5th quarter at church tonight after the football game. She called later to say there were close to 100 teenagers there. How wonderful to give these kids a place to go at least after every home sporting event.
I am so tired tonight and mentally wiped out. I keep hearing that Calgon Bubble Bath jingle run through my mind. The one that says "take me away,take me away".
God is in control and His way is always the best way, we just have to have patients.
Good Night and God Bless.
We had five fogs in August so that may mean five big snows for us.
I wanted to say, your son has a beautiful home.
Were afraid this winter is going to be extreme and severe here in Oklahoma.
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