Tuesday, November 19, 2013


It was Dolly's turn at the vet this morning so after getting g-son to school,chores and breakfast we headed out for her 9:15 appointment.  I want to have her eyes examined as I'm pretty sure she has a catarac started on one of them.
Sure enough she does have a catarac and he said she probably already couldn't see very well at all out of it. She also had conjuntivitis in the other eye,which he gave me some antibiotic ointment to put in it.
I asked him about some medicine I saw on the internet called "Can-C" to use to keep cataracs from getting worse and he hadn't heard of it. Guess it will be up to me to do the research. Anyone out there ever hear of it ?
We made it back home by 10:30 which was pretty good with all the animals they had at the office.
Dolly was definitely glad to be home and safely in her little space. You can see the catarac in this pic.
I tackled my weekly laundry and housework chores for the rest of the morning and into the afternoon.
It is chilly outside with a temperature of 52 degrees with partly cloudy skies so it is just as well I don't have time for any outside activities today.
After I picked up g-son I put away the last load of laundry for the week.
I need to do some sewing but just can't get in the mood.  Instead I sat out in the sunroom and drank a cup of hot tea while g-son serrenaded me with his little keyboard.
This colorful sunset got prettier as the sun went down tonight and I was almost to late to get a picture.
While I had my camera I snapped a picture of all my ladies enjoying their new bigger house.
It's funny how that back roosting pole in front of the window always gets filled up first,evidently window seats are popular everywhere !!!
After g-son left and the chores were done I watched the news from the couch with a hot pack on my right arm. Seems all this housework stuff irritates my pulled muscles !!
Talked to daughter tonight after their first game and they won very decisively so she was happy.
Her busy season begins as she said they have three games most weeks,whew !!
Thankful tonight for the love of animals that God put in my heart as I get so much joy out of being around and watching these amazing creations.
Good Night and God Bless.


linda m said...

So sorry to hear about Dolly's eye.Wish I knew of something that could help. Window seats have always been popular so no wonder your chickens prefer them also. Take it easy with your arm. I am still fighting my left arm injury since June. i can always tell when I over do. Blessings.

Sandy Livesay said...

Carolina Nana,

Oh poor Dolly having to deal with a cataract. They only way I know how prevent it from growing further is to have it removed.

Your chickens really do love the window sill, I wonder if there's an order in regards to which chicken can sit up there?

I hope you relax your arm, and start feeling better.