Friday, April 11, 2014


G-son wasn't too happy this morning about his Easter egg hunt today. He was afraid he wouldn't be allowed to participate after the misunderstanding of yesterday between he and his teacher.
Seems they received their spring pictures yesterday. The teacher gave the instruction to "sandwich" them in your folder . When we make g-son a sandwich it is always one piece of bread folded in half,soooooooooo,  that is what he did with his pictures. He folded them and put them in his folder because to him that was "sandwiching" !!!     Why she couldn't just say "put them inside you folders" I have no idea. 
Later I found out he did get to participate in the egg hunt so only the pictures suffered for the misunderstanding !!
After morning feeding chores little Evy came to stay with me while her mom slept for a few hours after working all night.
She just gets cuter each time I see her.

 She is checking to see if I am watching her ??!!!
Who me ????

Uh oh this just jumped out of my music maker on its own ,  could you fix it !!!???
She found g-son's little keychain flashlight and was amused for over an hour with that little bright light!  I laughed so hard I cried at her trying to catch the light as it went across the floor and trying to brush it off her legs and arms when it shined on them.

After her mom picked her up and went home to do her baking I did my baking.  I baked 6 caramel,1 coconut, 5 pound cakes and 1 blackberry wine cake.
The sun was shining and the temp was in the mid 70's so I headed outside for a dose of vitamin D.
I had to find a place out of a brisk wind or it still felt cool.
It felt nice to relax and soak up the sun's warmth for a little while,I almost fell asleep.
After chores I iced all my cakes and got things ready for market. Rebekah's first market day will be tomorrow so she is busily doing the same thing I'm sure.
I went to bed early to get ready for an early morning and hopefully a busy market day.
Grateful to the Lord for the wonderful blessing filled day.
Good Night and God Bless.

1 comment:

Sandy Livesay said...

Carolina Nana,

What a cutie!!!!

I also love your header on your blog :-)
