Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Up early to meet g-son and get a busy Wednesday started. The sun is shining this morning and the world looks like a brighter place.  After chores and breakfast I took a nice walk.  The air became thick with the smell of asphalt as the pavers have moved in again down on the road.
Back inside I started baking cakes. I baked 12 caramel,6 pound and 2 blackberry wine cakes before having a late lunch. G-son made himself a peanut butter/waffle sandwich, I had a salad with baked chicken on top.
Rebekah called and was headed to town to pick up some canning supplies and some hot banana peppers for making her hot mustard sauce that everyone loves.  Unfortunately our 1/2 row of these plants didn't produce what we needed.
While I waited for my last pound cakes to come out of the ovens I did some cleaning in the kitchen.  My house has been neglected while all the food preservation has been going on.  This happens every summer at some point it just becomes to much for me to get everything done. I am very thankful this year to have Rebekah's help.
G-son and I went outside for a little while this afternoon only to be overcome with the heat and humidity of the what is now a mostly cloudy afternoon. We could hear thunder in the close distance but we never even got a drop of rain.  The wind picked up and it got eerily dark with the sound of the rustling leaves but the storms split over our area and left us bone dry.
We now need rain badly but I guess I am glad it doesn't interfere with the road construction so they can get this done.
Rebekah and Evy came in and brought some multi colored beans in to can they looked beautiful in the jars but unfortunately lost their color in the processing.  The mustard turned out really good even though a couple jars leaked some out in the canner they all sealed.

We need to find some more hot banana peppers to make lots more of this stuff !!!
After everyone left I did the evening chores , did weekly paperwork and iced caramel cakes. I had things ready for market by 11:00,whew !!!
Back in August 1944 this is a post card one of my first cousins, Nora Adair sent to our grandfather from Spartanburg,SC letting him know her family was coming for a visit.
Don't know the significance of this church.

I am very grateful to God for the sometimes endless energy He blesses me with each day.
Good Night and God Bless

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