Saturday, August 8, 2015


 After a restless night of trying to sleep it was a relief when the 7am alarm finally sounded. I guess the long wait at the restaurant that made for a late supper didn't set well with my internal clock.
#2 son and daughter were already up getting things ready to leave. They are meeting Josh and his brother and sis-in-law, Ben and Kristin in Gastonia so daughter can go to one of their nephew's birthday parties in High Point  today. They are spending the night there and coming home tomorrow morning.
They left the beach house at 8:30, #1 son's family left about 9:00 and we left shortly after. We rinsed off the Honda as we couldn't see out of the windows because of all the sea spray that blew up on it.
As I looked out over the ocean for the last time for probably a year I wondered out loud if this foggy August beach morning meant they would have a snow this winter ?

We had a very good travel morning. I drove as I am better at keeping up with traffic than hubbie.
We caught up with #2 son and daughter when we stopped to get some fresh peaches at PeeDee orchards where we usually stop.
We followed them to a Chic-fi-la where they were meeting Josh and Ben. We all had lunch together then they headed north to High Point and we headed west to the mountains.
I really like Josh's family and I think daughter is getting some great in-laws.
Another easy travel afternoon put us at home around 3:00 after making 4 stops.
We got unloaded and spent the afternoon getting things put away and playing with all our 4-legged kids who were making no bones about how much they missed us !! Even Annie , my red Aussie, who is usually really stand-offish leaned against my legs and whined for a long time just so I would rub her.
We did laundry and went to the grocery store for some things for lunch tomorrow before chore time.
After chores we went through the garden. I picked tomatoes and peppers so a salsa making day is in my near future.
I wasn't here for the first day of the month garden picture this month so I took this one today, which pretty much still looks the same as when we left.
 We came inside and had a light supper before getting some more putting away and cleaning done.
I have worked on getting all my pics downloaded and my blog posts caught up tonight, but I still have a bunch to go before I am back on time. I'll get there !!
Boy it is sure nice to be getting ready to get a hot bath and lay down in my own bed tonight.
So so grateful to our loving Lord for gracing my entire family with safe travel today as we made our way home to our beloved mountains. It is nice to go on a vacation but it is sure nice to be home !!
Good Night and God Bless.

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