Sunday, October 11, 2015


The sun is shining this morning as I head out to do the morning chores. Hubbie had to be at church at 8:30 this morning to have a Deacon's meeting and set up for the Lord's Supper.

I had "greeter" duty today and then we had a Deacon ordination of Mark Freeman.
The ordination was followed by the Lord's Supper which is usually held on the first Sunday of each quarter but because of the 140th birthday celebration last week we postponed it until today.
We had a small lunch bunch today as #1 son's family were our only guest for some of  the smoked chicken from the freezer along with fresh green beans, corn , potatoes and apple cobbler.
After we ate d-in-love, g-daughter and I went to the last day of the consignment sale that my niece has. We found a few more things and got some really good deals.
I got to have a nice visit with my niece who I don't get to see much.
When we got back here #2 son was here with a truck he had bought yesterday. A turquoise 1996 Ford 4X4.  This is an internet picture as I forgot to take a pic of the actual truck.
#2 son brought his girlfriend Tif over for the first time and we enjoyed meeting her . They had supper with hubbie and I while we got acquainted. She is a very sweet beautiful lady.
After they left hubbie and I finished chores and I caught up my blog .
Thanking God for a wonderful blessing filled weekend. Saying a prayer tonight for Aa, Re and the kids as they are all sick with a stomach virus.
Good Night and God Bless

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