Saturday, February 17, 2018


Saturday market day and another rainy Saturday !!!
Out to get the chores done between showers and then off to market.
As we got closer to town the rain got heavier but when we got there a couple egg customers were waiting. Thankful for eggs to sell or these days would be pretty empty of sales.
I am however thankful for what I do sell on these days as today I did sell a couple caramel cakes, breads and cake halves and quarters to make about a $65 day.
Hubbie stayed and helped with the table while I exchanged a stock for a stock holder after the death of her mother.
He started talking to some friends and ended up staying the entire market time with me.
We loaded in a heavy rain shower and headed home without any stops in the rain.
We need to decide what we are cooking for lunch tomorrow and maybe go back to Ingles later tonight.
At home we had a cup of the vegetable beef soup that the manager's daughter sells at market for a late, late lunch and then relaxed for a rainy afternoon.
Daughter and d-in-love went to the Wee Trade sale last night and daughter picked up IR a walker the same as mine and she was enjoying it on a rainy inside day.
RL was also happy with her mom's purchase as she played with this doll house for hours today.

G-son didn't get left out either as d-in-love found him a new Operation game.
Hubbie and I got the evening chores done in a light rain and then made a trip to Ingles to get some groceries and items for tomorrow's lunch.
After we got everything put away we settled in to watch the UNC / Louisville basketball game.
The weather isn't looking like it will improve much for us in the coming week with the "N" winter storm Noah dropping today's rain .
Quickly followed by the "O" winter storm Oliver that was named today promising more rain by the middle of the week for us.

I guess the good in all this moisture is that it isn't snow or ice like some of the country is getting with these one right after the other storms.
Thankful for the blessings of this day and for the love of Jesus Christ my Wonderful, Graceful Savior.
God Bless and Good Night.

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