Well thankful to wake to sunshine this morning unlike so many folks along the gulf coast who are getting their first look at the devastation left by hurricane Laura who came ashore about 1am with the highest winds seen there in over 160 years.
Praying for all these folks in this storms path. As I got chores done and had breakfast before we headed out to make a couple egg deliveries I noticed it didn't take long for the cloud bands of this huge storm to reach our area.When we got home I laid out all the tomatoes hubbie had picked last night and thought about a canning schedule for the upcoming days.We all ate lunch together and then the girls enjoyed some outside playtime and CA decided out of the blue she wanted to swing.
When IR got tired of running round an round the covered patio we came inside for snacks and rest time.
IR tried to rest in the new chair bed we got the girls but CA wanted in it also. After trying to move her sister and failing she decided to just lay on top of her !!
Ahhhh Sisterly love !!!!!!!!!!
After the girls were picked up hubbie and I did chores a little early so we could help #1 son but the mechanics on our gate but he had to work late so we decided to wait for another time to do that. We have the gate up so tomorrow night we will close the gate before we go to bed whether we have anything else hooked up or not.
The airb&b's probably will get rented for the weekend again and folks will be lost again. I have tried to call airb&b all week but without an account you can't get a call to them to check the address on these units so we will just block our driveway.
Hubbie and I ended out day sitting out in the covered patio feeling the tropical humidity from the storm moving in but no rain or wind for us yet.
Thankful for the blessings of this day.
God Bless and Good Night
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