Friday, May 21, 2021


 Up to greet all the grandkids this morning. Hubbie took g-son to school and the girls and I watched TV. I got chores done when he got back then we all had breakfast. CA rode with me to pick up our Walmart curbside order and then we all got all the groceries put away when we got home.  We put the strollers in the back of hubbie's truck and headed to McDonalds to pick up lunch for for the girls and head to the waking trail for a picnic. 

After they ate we put sunscreen on and hats and started down the trail.
The girls ride some and walk some and they find all the interesting things along the trail like this lizard that is hard to spot among the bark on this tree.
We found a nice shady, grassy spot for them to play some games of hide and seek and they really had fun until they wore out.

CA went to sleep as soon as she got back in the stroller. We ran into our nephew Aaron on the trail as he got his run in for the day and had a nice visit with him.
We came home and the older girls played outside and had ice cream and popsicles while CA took a long nap until daughter got home to pick her up.
After all the girls left hubbie and I watched the news then he went out to bush hog the upper pasture and I got chores done. We ended the day in our regular summer way sitting out in the covered patio enjoying the peaceful quietness of the cool evening.
Thankful for the blessings of this day.
God Bless and Good Night

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