Thursday, July 16, 2009

Market day comes early,I have to cut and wrap some of the cakes I iced last night ,then load everything in my van,off I go. When I get there customers are waiting and its hard to unload and wait on customers at the same time but I finally get set up.
There is no air conditioning in the market and it is hot in here today,we have fans and that helps some.Our neighbor who has an apple and produce farm just up the road from our farm has the booth beside me so there is good conversation between customers because she likes to talk as much as I do.
When I left market I ran all my in town errands as this is the only day I usually come to town so banking,p.o.,groceries,etc.are all on my list before I head home,I even have a couple avon deliveries to make.
I make it home about 4:30 ,hubbie is already here and helps me unload.If you could see my van when I come home on market days you'd know why I have to have a van,it is usually packed full. I always pick up my baking supplies for the next market day on my way home,plus regular groceries and anything else we need.
We take a break and watch the news at 5:00,I have a bowl of chicken/dumpling soup and some crackers,hubbie has a tomato sandwich,we have fresh peaches for dessert.One of the venders gave me a 1/2 basket of bruised peaches he couldn't sell today,we'll eat some and I'll peel the rest and put them in the fridge for tomorrow.They are yummy!
I took a short walk while we fed the animals and then it was off to clean the church. I love taking care of one of God's houses,there is such a peaceful feeling alone in the sanctuary it makes me feel even closer to Our Maker.Hubbie comes and vaccums while I do everything else,we'll go back tomorrow night and clean the office area.
Came home about 9:45 and iced 6 caramel cakes,cut and wrapped them for orders. I am tired tonight and looking forward to bath and bed more than usual.I always call Thursday,Friday,Saturday my "kick butt"days especially in this hot weather it just seems to sap my energy but when I stamped my avon books with Aug.8 last night it dawned on me how close summer's end is,so pretty soon I'll be complaining about the cold weather,oh well!!!!!!!!! sleep tight and GOD BLESS.

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