Thursday, July 23, 2009


Rise and shine early today and ready for market day.I finished cutting and wrapping all my cakes and loaded my van.Parking lot has a lot of empty spaces that's not a good sign.It was a slow day today unlike several previous Thursdays which were very busy.Hubbie brought me lunch as he happened to be in town,we had hot dogs and fries.I left market and ran errands P.O., bank,2 avon deliveries,Go Grocery,county offices building to get a well permit,and Walmart. We are going to have a well drilled at our house because we are sharing a well now with #2 son,the water is having to come up a steep hill and we have low pressure so hopefully we won't have to drill too deep to find water.Now I wait until someone comes and okays where I want to put the well.
Hubbie was here and helped me unload the van when I got home,then #1 son came in with his machine and called hubbie to come help him with something.I watched the 5:00 news and when hubbie came back we fixed a light supper of cheese raviolis and salad.He went up to the garden to put some more twine on our tomatoes while I walked and checked fences and waterhole.I always take my camera in case I see something interesting, but nothing today.
We went to clean church,I started to vacuum pews with my little hand held vac and it was "click,click"uh-oh it takes more than a click to vacuum,darn this is the second vacuum in a month that we have had to put in the shop at least this one didn't have the fireworks the big vac did when it quit,we just got that one fixed last week,I guess this one will go to the shop Monday because they aren't open Fridays.So we did everything else,I guess the pews will have to wait.Signed up to make some cakes for blockblast and talked to Ron who came in after his blockblast meeting.
Daughter was here when we came home she was making blackberry cobbler for a friends dinner party tomorrow night.Her b-friend wants hubbie to teach him how to change the brake pads on his suv maybe next weekend.I iced 6 caramel cakes tonight and don't have to make any layer cakes tomorrow (yet anyway) so that means a Friday morning without baking to do,without hubbie (he is working overtime),without g-son(he is with other g-ma)" hmmm" what in the world will I do,I am going to wait until the morning to decide.The news just went off and I'm headed for bath and bed. Good Night and GOD BLESS.

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