Saturday, September 19, 2009


A rainy market day usually means bad news and today actually started out busy but quickly went down hill.I did okay because of my orders ,I had 12 cakes sold before I got there and that is always good.Unfortunately my girls didn't do so well today,daughter came in after lunch and helped me.
Next week should be better as it is ole timey day Saturday and that always brings a crowd,I just hope this weather breaks before then.When we left daughter was going with a friend to another of their friends wedding,it was outside so bless her heart maybe she can sneak it in between showers.
I went to Go Grocery, Aldi and Walmart for supplies and groceries,made it home at 4:00.Hubbie was working on the footings for our well house between showers. We unloaded and put everything away and I put some chicken and acorn squash in the oven for supper.I started to walk but didn't get far before the rain started back again,poor dogs, they have been in the house all day,but they hate rain. Hubbie fried some potatoes and onions to go with our chicken and squash.After we ate we decided to watch Survivor a TV show that we missed Thursday night on the internet,but to our surprise it was re-airing tonight at 8:00. I called daughter because she missed it to and she was just getting back to the house where she is dog sitting from the wedding so she got to see it also.She had fun at the wedding,caught up with a lot of old friends.She said it didn't rain during the ceremony but poured afterward,they had tents set up and everyone had to stay under them,but it still turned out good.I'm glad we haven't had that hard rain up here,the wedding was in the next county and she said they drove through hard rain on the way back up the mountain.This is WILD ONION or WILD GARLIC, this one is growing right beside my greenhouse.The whole plant is edible and the leaves make good addition to salad or potatoes,anywhere you would use onion,garlic or chives you can use these wild plants.They are in the Lily family and there are more plants in this family that look a lot like this but they are poison,the way to tell is by the smell,any edible wild onion has that distinct oniony ,garlicy smell.I remember when I was young my dad trying to kill these out of the pasture because they made the cow's milk taste like onions in early spring when she grazed on them.Here is a really interesting berry it is called ELAEGNUS BERRY or AUTUMN OLIVE ,I only recently noticed these on our property,but they seem to be spreading pretty rapidly.The berries are edible,tart tasting and contain 7-17 times more of the antioxidant lycopene than do tomatoes.
Lycopene has been proven to reduce the risk of prostrate cancer.There was a lady at the market that sold these for jelly making,but I have never tasted them,maybe when they get riper I'm gonna try some.I continue to stay amazed at all the food that God has put right at our hand and we don't even know it.This land is made for us to survive on without commercial products and just think how healthy we all would be if we still had to make use of it.When I see old photos of my parents and their families and friends, one thing always jumps out at me,there are no fat people!!!!!!!!!
Well this week is grinding to a halt and it has been a good one as they all are in one way or the other. I enjoy every moment God gives me and each Blessing is wonderfully appreciated.As I go to church tomorrow to worship Him please join me in the love of our Precious Lord.Good Night.

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