Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Yes I missed the sunrise this morning again,actually woke before it even got close to being daylight today. So as I dozed back off I knew there would be no sunrise picture today.
It is even warmer today than yesterday even early I have a tank top and shorts on. Hubbie, daughter and I took a long bike ride to the end of the island before anyone else got up. There is a gated community occupying the entire end of the island,but the gate keeper said we could get a note from our realtor and she would let us come in and look around. We got that note this afternoon and will go check it out tomorrow.
There was a long marsh walkway I was looking forward to exploring and birdwatching from but that too is gated and locked, seems only the folks who live on a certain street can use it,bummer!
We spent the rest of the morning playing on the beach and fishing.

Can you tell I'm a bird watcher ??Love the colorful sheen on these feathers.

These guys had little fear of us and would come really close.

Our beach house from the beach.

We still haven't caught anything to speak of. #1 son is really disappointed. #2 son laughed as I picked up a dead dragon fly from the beach and put it on my hook. I didn't catch anything but I said neither did they using regular bait !!
I found daughter a whole sand dollar while I was fishing.

After lunch Hubbie ,daughter, #2 son and I went to pick up some fresh shrimp and flounder for dinner tonight. We stopped at a couple beach stores that had 50% off signs out ,but didn't find much.
D-in-love and g-son had went on a couple errands and #1 son was still fishing.

The bridge over the ICW is really high coming on to Holden Beach.
The place we bought our fresh seafood was on the banks of the ICW under this bridge.

Back at the house G-son, Hubbie and daughter played in the pool this afternoon.

I sat out on the beach deck and marveled at the migrating butterflies that were continually fluttering by ,stopping only briefly for short rest before continuing on their journey.

The sky from time to time filled with V formation from the migrating geese that flew over.
Our home-cooked seafood dinner was very good as usual, we had 8 shrimp left out of almost 5 pounds and close to 2 pounds of flounder. D-in-love made some delicious mashed potatoes and we also had salad to round out our meal,yum,yum.
After cleaning up and walking the dogs everyone except #1son,who is determined to catch some fish out of the ICW, watched Survivor on TV.
I can't beleive our week is more than 1/2 gone ! Time sure does go fast when you are having a relaxing good time.

Another day comes to an end with a hazy sunset tonight.

Thanking God for all His blessings today.
Good Night and God Bless.

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