Thursday, February 23, 2012


WOW !!! After about 2/10th inch of rain last night this morning feels as if spring is here already.
By the time I finished chores ,had a quick breakfast and headed out to make a cake delivery it was 58 degrees at 10:00.
I did my regular weekly errands while I was in town,picked up g-son and made 3 Avon stops on the way home much to his dismay !!
By the time we got here and lunch was offered he ate like a little starved piglet. So much so that I peeked into his lunch box to see if he had eaten his snack and found out why he was so hungry. He hadn't eaten any of his snack.
The sun is bright and the temperature is in the low 70's this afternoon but the wind will definitely blow your hat off out there. I sat outside for a little while but when the clouds drifted over the sun it got cool in the wind so I came inside and watched the Lincoln Log construction in my living room.
He is beginning to be very creative and I was impressed at the things he managed to build all by himself.
When Pawpaw got home they built this cabin that was pictured on the back of the box.
D-in-love and #1 son came to get him before chore time this evening. #1 son has another job interview Monday. Maybe this is the one God wants him to have.
After chores I changed the burned out light bulb in the setting silkie's box. Luckily it picked last night to burn out before the chicks hatch. Saturday will be the 21st day of setting for this first of the season hatch.
I worked on my photo project while watching the Duke/ Florida b-ball game,Duke won.
I can't believe how close I am to having this project done !
Things have been really quiet around here today and tonight.
The weather is still weird with the temperature of 61 degrees at 11:00 tonight. I just hope it cools down enough to defuse the strong storms that are headed our way with a cold front.
Praising God tonight for the perfect creations He graces us with each day.
Good Night and God Bless.

1 comment:

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Your starvin' little architect is quite the cutie pie!!! Love those Lincoln Logs...they never go outta style.

We didn't get any storms when the cold front moved through but the wicked wind is blowin'!!!

God bless ya sweetie and have yourself a fantastic weekend!!! :o)