Wednesday, February 22, 2012



Today has been another of those boring routine days that ended with me feeling a great feeling of accomplishment.
With no g-son today I got all the chores and housework done by early afternoon and dove into the tax mess of papers.
Before they were done I had a much bigger mess of papers believe me but its done and everything is now filed away. YeeHaw !!!
I finished just in time for evening chores and when I went outside I was surprised by how hard the wind was blowing and I hadn't even noticed.
I had a salad supper and did a shortened exercise routine tonight before I did our weekly paperwork and payed the bills,yuck !!
#1 son called and asked if I would pick up g-son tomorrow while I was in town then #2 son called and asked Hubbie to cut his hair tonight.
As I type this at 10:00 tonight the temperature is still 54 degrees after a high today of 63 but neither feel very comfortable with the high wind and now it is raining out there also.
Back in February 1992 both #1 and #2 son were playing on the same recreation league basketball team.
They were both good players and all the boys on their team were good players also as attested to them winning the tournament that year.
This is the picture that came out in the local paper....
Hubbie was one of the coaches for the team that year.
This is a better picture of the team with their trophies....
#1 son is on your far right and #2 son is on your far left and hubbie is in the Carolina sweatshirt.  Those were some good memories !!!!
Every Saturday starting in December and ending the end of February we were in a gym somewhere watching these little guys learn the game of basketball.
#1 son chose not to continue a basketball career in school but #2 son earned a college scholarship to play at college level.
If I had a dime for every minute my buns sat on gym bleachers somewhere I'd be a very rich lady right now !!!!
But in many ways I am much richer for those experiences and would not trade a minute of them for anything else.
Thankful for the rich blessings God has bestowed on me through the years.
Good Night and God Bless.

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