Sunday, October 7, 2012


Abruptly shaken awake in the pre-dawn hours this morning by loud claps of thunder and bright flashes of lightening. That is one thing I don't miss in winter time for sure !!!
 Rain started to pound the metal roof so much that hubbie got up and turned on the radar on TV to see how much we were in for. As he came back to bed he said it was just a narrow red band and shouldn't cause any problems. It passed fairly quickly and only 1/2" of rain was in the gauge this morning.
The morning was cloudy and cool and the day got cooler as it went on.
Our senior pastor was back from vacation to deliver the message from the book of Acts today.
After church everyone made it to lunch of a big crock pot full of chilli and hot corn bread.
The perfect meal for the first really cool day of this fall season.
Everyone left but #1 son and g-son who hung out here all afternoon until Hubbie got back from his 3:00 Deacon's meeting then they went home to get ready to go back to church.
I worked on decade pictures all afternoon. After evening chores Hubbie and I made a leisurely trip to Walmart to pick up a few random things we needed. I found a heart rate monitor for when I am exercising and a scale to tell me my BMI,fat % and water% as well as my weight. Hubbie got 2 blankets to cover the seats in his truck to help keep them clean when he has paint or grease on his clothes after work and he got a new indoor/outdoor thermometer to replace the one the wire got pinched apart by the door.
In the decade pics for October there wasn't any early pics except for this one of my mom's sister Carol with her grandkids.

She lived in Michigan and all her kids lived close around her. She had 3 daughters and 1 son.
My mom was about 5 years older than Carol and her oldest daughter (me) had just graduated high school.

Tonight is feeling alot like winter is right around the corner with the dampness and temperature already at 48 before 9:00,brrrrr.  Tomorrow night we have the first frost warning but I not sure about tonight ???!!!
This has been a restful, wonderful Sunday and I thank God for His undying love for all His children.
May all the glory be His !
Good Night and God Bless.

1 comment:

linda m said...

Nothing better than chili and good company on a chilly Fall day. God's blessings to you.