Monday, June 4, 2018


Thankfully when I woke up this morning the sickness from last night was gone leaving me weak and sore but no sick waves.
I heard the g-girls talking as hubbie got them ready for breakfast and they acted glad to see me as I made a little later then usual appearance.
Hubbie had given instructions to both girls to call him and not me so I might sleep later but my inner schedule alarm wouldn't allow that. Daughter was making plans to get off work early if I was still sick.
I got chores done then had a light breakfast on my tender feeling stomach.
I got the weekly laundry started and hubbie played with the girls until IR took a nap then he took RL outside to swing.
We had a good lunch of left over spaghetti and both girls ate their fill. It is good to see RL feeling like her old self again.
I needed to go buy chicken feed today and there is a park on the way to the feed store so after lunch we all loaded up and headed for Fletcher Park. RL was so excited she jabbered the entire way there about all the things she was going to do at the park.

She loved all the slides.
IR didn't know what to think of sliding !!!
But she was happy to get a ride on Pawpaw's shoulders.
We walked some of the trails in the park along Cane Creek .

There was some flood damage to the trail and their certainly will have to be some removal of these huge trees that got hung under the bridge.

 This was a huge tree that almost made it to the bridge.
We all had a great time and after RL got tired we loaded up and headed for the feed store. It didn't take long for both girls to be sound asleep for the ride home.
Hubbie carried them inside and got them settled for good naps. I decided to get a short nap also to regenerate my strength.
Both girls woke up to have snacks before their moms got here to pick them up.
After they left hubbie put on waterproof boots and went down in the bottom pastures to check for damage along our creek and clean the trash off our fences.
Our pastures still have a lot of standing water in them and he said the mosquitoes were terrible down there so I guess my walks will be put off a while longer.
I got chores done and then cleaned out a big chick box and combined the Silkie chicks with a couple other chicks of about the same age so their moms could go back out into the big silkie lot.
And this will cut my feeding down by one place at least.
I came inside on this cool evening and caught up my blog then went to bed early to catch up from last night.
Thankful for feeling better today and for all the other blessings of this day.
God Bless and Good Night

1 comment:

linda m said...

Glad you are feeling better. Mosquitoes are really bad around here also after all our rain and high temps. Blessings