Up to a regular hectic Thursday morning with all three grands to get fed while I get chores done and then get loaded for market. I dropped RL off at her pre-school and met hubbie and IR at market.
It is raining this morning mostly lightly but it is also pretty chilly so market was extremely slow as expected. Connie, IR's other g-ma came after her at 10:30 and then hubbie left to get his errands done and get home.
I left early when I got things caught up on my laptop with the wifi at market and the market got colder and empty of customers and most sellers that braved today were already gone. I made a whopping $35 today but I am thankful for that much as most of the vendor neighbor's didn't make that much I'm sure.
I stopped at the bank, the PO and Aldi on my way home. I got home at 2:30 and had a salad for a late lunch then did what chores I could do this early and then hubbie and I headed down the mountain to Polk County middle school for g'son's wrestling match. He bit his tongue badly at practice yesterday and we're not sure he will wrestle today or not as one of the older boys lost enough weight to drop into g-son's weight class.
It was still raining all the way down the mountain but thankfully only lightly.
We met Deb, RL's other g-ma and d-in-love there and we all went in to see what was going to happen.
G-son didn't wrestle today and he looked really disappointed but he also looked very pale so I don't think he ate anything today as he hardly ate any breakfast this morning saying his tongue hurt so badly.
RL found a little friend to play in the bleachers with and this little girl fell right into hubbie's arms along with RL as they shared some snacks.
Apple Valley won the wrestling match and we headed up the mountain thankful that the heavy rains were still holding off.
We made it home at 6:30 and finished the chores by flashlight.
The rains began just as we came inside and I already dumped 1 inch out of the gauge from last night and today's rains.
Hubbie and I got bored really quick with what was on TV and went to bed early.
Thankful for the blessings of this day and for traveling mercies this evening.
God Bless and Good Night.
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