Saturday, November 19, 2011


A little colder this morning than yesterday, we are slowly going to start warming back up now to get back above normal for a while. Pretty soon normal is going to be a forgotten thing because we won't remember what it's like to be normal.
Market was extremely slow for the Saturday before Thanksgiving today. Everyone was scratching their heads because there were very few customers. Daughter helped most of the day and we were thankful for what we did sell and the several more orders we got for Tuesday.
This was the day of the yearly toy run. Hundreds of motorcycle riders get together to deliver toys to the Henderson County courthouse steps to be given to the needy children of the county.The streets are blocked as they ride into town and don't get seperated by the red lights.

This is different !!!!! I hope they didn't leave that pig on the courthouse steps !!

That's a lot of toys to brighten Christmas morning for a lot of kids. This is a great charity event for the children of our county,thanks to all who participated.

I came straight home after market to get the food ready to take over to our family Thanksgiving tonight. I had the 7-layer salad I made last night and I added deviled eggs, sundried tomato pesto flavored couscous, a wine cake for dessert and a couple drinks.There was plenty of good food as usual. This year we had the traditional turkey and ham with all the fixins plus some !!! Yumyum !!There was good family fellowship,fun and even a wrestling match. (that's g-son on top!)
We always have this get together in sis-in-law's niece's restaurant because there is so much more room.

This is the newest addition to the family finishing his Thanksgiving meal, my great nephew baby E.

These oreo turkeys were made by one of the younger mothers and were a big hit with the kids.
Hubbie and I made #2 son a plate and dropped it by his house on our way,he had just gotten home from work and didn't make it to the dinner.
We got home around 8:00 and crashed to watch TV.
As I blog I just remembered I need to finish my operation Christmas child boxes to take to church tomorrow morning so I'll sign off now and do my charity event for today !!
Thankful to God for all His blessings today and for a wonderful family.
Good Night and God Bless.


Gail said...

It is great that you can gather in a large place with room for all.

NCmountainwoman said...

Looks like a real feast. Will you have a turkey dinner again on Thanksgiving Day? Love those turkeys.