Monday, November 21, 2011


G-son arrived early and with Hubbie working today because his shop is closing down Friday it was just him and me today. On the way to his school we had to turn around and take another road because of an accident on the road we usually travel. I walked him in because we were a couple minutes late and he went in telling his teachers all about the accident. He is getting so big !!
I came home and did chores before icing 6 caramel cakes. I got my boots out to go walking and remembered and Avon order I needed to pack up so I could drop it by the post office on my way to pick up g-son. By the time I got it ready to ship it was too late for a walk this morning.
I picked up g-son and we stopped by Sam's Club to do some shopping and have lunch.
We got home and unloaded as the clouds began to boil just like when we get summer storms. It feels like summer actually with the 70 degree temperature this afternoon after a low in the mid 50's this morning.
I was going to work downstairs but when I got just one shelf cleaned off ,g-son came down and asked if we could go outside and swing.
This is one of those times I've talked about before when I just take time to enjoy g-son while the dust waits !!Although our time outside was cut short by a sudden clap of thunder and a rain shower we had a few minutes of swing time.

With the rain and wind we spent the rest of the afternoon inside playing.
After he left with his mom I went back downstairs to work. I am changing my laundry room around while I don't have a washer and dryer in there.
I spent some time researching brands last night and have decided to go with the Samsung pair Lowes has on sale unless something else is just at a too good to pass up price !!
When hubbie came in from work we did evening chores early so he could go help daughter pick up 30 Thanksgiving baskets full of dinner fixins for the needy kids at the school she works at. One of the small local churches fixes these baskets and then donates 30 turkeys to go with them tomorrow when the parents come pick up their students they take home a complete ready to cook Thanksgiving meal. They took my van and her jeep so they would only have to make one trip.
I had to stay home and ice cakes to fill my orders tomorrow. I have 18 orders and daughter has 9 so she will be busy tonight also when she gets home.
It is a good thing I started when I did because I finished at almost midnight,whew!
Thanking God tonight for the strength He gives me each day .
Good Night and God Bless.

1 comment:

NCmountainwoman said...

I feel a bit ashamed. You did all that work on the rainy day and I chose to sit and read!