Saturday, August 31, 2019


Up an hour early this morning to get to market before the apple festival crowd descends on all the parking spaces.
Hubbie went by daughter's to pick up her breads and then we met at market. There was plenty of parking this early but shoppers were already looking for cakes and breads so they could get out of town before the festival crowds clogged the streets.
Our town is too small for this festival and with the perfect weather there will be a bigger crowd this year.
I had pretty good sales this morning so much so that hubbie stayed and helped with our table.
We ate lunch from the food trucks that had rented space in our parking lot.
I was in my apple festival attire for the day.
Hubbie left to make stops at Lowes, Tractor Supply and Walmart for some things we needed and I came straight home pretty wiped out from the heat of the day.
I got things all unloaded before hubbie got her and then we decided to go over to the corn patch to see if there was any corn still tender enough for eating for tomorrow's lunch.
We found plenty of corn that was pretty full but still good for eating. We gather a bag full and then stopped by daughter's to take her some to eat.
The girls were playing on CA's new entertainment mat.
We came home after a short visit and got chores done at Aa's house as well as ours while his family is in Georgia at the rodeo.
After chores we shucked all the corn and put some in the freezer for the kids to eat on this winter.

The last time I put up corn on the cob it lost all its flavor so I'm hoping with my food saver vacuum bags this time it will be different. This will be a good test and next year I can put up more if it works.
Son-in-love sent me this picture of daughter and the girls after we left.
Hubbie and I are both really tired also and got in bed early also.
On this last day of August I can honestly say I am glad this month is behind us . It has been a pretty stressful month but as it ends on a really great note we are all humbly thankful for the mercies of our Heavenly Father.
Thankful for the blessings of this day.
God Bless and Good Night.

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