Saturday, June 5, 2021


 Up to get a busy day started. I got chores done and had breakfast then headed outside to get all the chicken houses cleaned out and refreshed. It is hot and humid this morning. Hubbie is working in the garden getting tomatoes staked and straw around them.  I sweated gallons it seemed like between wearing a mask so I wouldn't breathe the chicken dust and the sun beating down on me as I carried buckets to the compost pile.  One by one I got all the houses cleaned and new shavings put in while alternating between the houses to wait on egg layers who don't appreciate company while they are on the nest.                            The big hen house where the older hens live.

The Silkie house.....

The lower house where this years pullets reside......

The new tractor that holds half the incubator chicks hatched this year.....

This is the combination of the three Silkie hens who hatched these chicks this year....They are doing fine put in here together. I ended up with 3 Silkie chicks and 6 layer hen chicks. 

Hubbie also got the three raspberry plants I bought back in April set out here at the end of the garden . 

Whew by the time I finished and came inside for a late lunch I was dripping with sweat and completely covered in dust from the chicken houses. Before I ate I had to take a shower and put on clean clothes.     Hubbie and I cleaned out the refrigerator's left over shelf for lunch today. I had a hotdog, an ear of corn and watermelon.  I spent the next hour inside catching up on some housework. I changed all the furniture covers for the month along with the placemats and some decor but decided to leave most of the spring decor up since it goes with the new covers also.   Back outside I cleaned out a couple of my raised beds and gave the chickens a treat of spent greens, radishes and lettuce. The vegetables in these beds are struggling like everything else with no rain. 

Hubbie and I rested out in the covered patio watching clouds roll in and the temperature drop to a comfortable mid 70's with a nice breeze.  We got evening chores done and then relaxed for the evening.

Thankful for the blessings of this day.

God Bless and Good Night

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