Tuesday, April 20, 2021


 Up to greet IR and CA this morning. Hubbie went to pick up g-son and get him to school.  I got chores done when he got back and then the girls and I had breakfast.  I watered and fertilized all the inside plants today. My vegetable plants are looking pretty good and I hope to get them set out in the garden soon but thankfully they are not out there yet with the freeze coming the next couple nights. 

I need to get the furniture covers , bed covers and throw rugs from last month to the laundry so I can get them dried on the outside clothesline.  This is a perfect day for that so we loaded up and took them to the neighborhood laundry mat. I put them in the washers and then we drove to Tractor Supply so hubbie could get some hydraulic oil for the tractor and me some more shavings for my chicken houses.  We made it back to the laundry just in time to load the things back up and head home. We stopped and picked the girls up some lunch on the way home.  Hubbie took them inside and fed them lunch while I got all the covers and rugs hung out in the breezy sunshine. 

After lunch the girls wanted to play outside so we got in the back yard out of the wind. Meow Meow loves the girls attention.

We played outside until IR fell and skinned her knee and then the fun was over.  By the time daughter got here the girls were both napping.  IR woke up but daughter and hubbie took CA and put her in hubbie's truck still sleeping.  Daughter needed to get some mulch from Lowes while they have it on sale so they are going this afternoon to get a load.  We need some also to go around my raised beds.  
While they were gone I watched the early news and had a light supper before I gathered all the covers and rugs off the clotheslines and put them all away.  I took some time this evening to enjoy my beautiful brightly colored Azaleas since tomorrow night my be the end of their beauty.

My favorite Azalea is really showing off this year. This plant actually moved itself after we added a larger overhang on our front porch. It has finally gotten back to it's original size and beauty.
I even spotted these blooms on the Clematis vines I bought last year.
Please !!!  Mother Nature !!!  Be Kind !!!!!!

When they got back daughter took the girls home and hubbie unloaded our 10 bags of mulch and spread it around my beds. I will take a pic tomorrow as it had gotten to dark tonight by the time he finished.  Hubbie went over to daughter's later after son-in-love got home from a late work day to unload the 30 bags of mulch she got.
I did paperwork tonight and hopefully got some things straightened out online.
Thankful for the blessings of this day.
God Bless and Good Night

1 comment:

linda m said...

Your Azalea bushes are just gorgeous!