Saturday, August 1, 2020


Up early to pick up our curbside Sam's Club order that is ready an hour earlier than planned. We rushed through chores and headed there to pick it up.
We were the only car in the curbside pickup spots this morning.
We came home and put away our order and then we went up to the garden to pick vegtables for tomorrow's lunch. I picked green beans while hubbie dug some new potatoes. We are also taking dinner to sis-in-law Sandy on Monday so we gather extra things from the garden for them.
I talked to Sandy when we came inside and she said she is still very very sore and is having an especially hard time laying down because of the pain . Her sternum is broken right in the middle probably the hard hit caused her seat belt to break it.
Hubbie and I relaxed out in the covered patio until lunch time then we watched storm clouds pass us by while we did some housework.
I delivered the cupcakes I made to my friend for her wedding tomorrow and helped her set them up and get a few things organized for the wedding.
We came back by Walmart and picked up our curbside order there.
We came home and got chores done then grilled some steaks for supper.
It has been a pretty boring day around here today.
But tonight starring at this big bright full "Sturgeon" moon with the planet Jupiter shining brightly above it was a good way to end a Saturday.
Hello August 2020 !!!!!

Thankful for the blessings of this day.
God Bless and Good Night

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