Tuesday, November 17, 2020


 Up to greet IR and CA only this morning as RL's other g-ma is with her today.  It is a very frosty morning with a temperature in the upper 20's this morning.                                                                         

I got chores done and then we had breakfast. After the girls played while I gathered the furniture and bed covers and the throw rugs that I had taken up at the beginning of the month and loaded them in the Honda.  It is a bit too cool and windy this morning for a walk anywhere so we headed out to the laundry to drop put the covers and rugs in machines. Then we went to pick up our Walmart curbside order and get some Cook Out lunch for IR and CA since the schools were giving out hamburgers that they don't like.  We stopped back by the laundry and picked up our washed covers and rugs.  CA had slept the entire trip and was still sleeping when we got home so IR helped carry groceries in and get them put away. CA continued her nap on the couch while IR and hubbie ate lunch and I went outside to hang the laundry on the clothes line. It is a perfect drying day with sunshine and wind.   I got places to hang everything but 1 cover so I put that one in the dryer.                                                                                                    

I am thankful for a beautiful day !!!                                                                                                              I went up to my raised beds and gathered some fresh lettuce, chard and carrots for my lunch time salad.   CA finally woke up and had her lunch with me.  After we ate the girls played the afternoon away.          They had an extended stay today as daughter had a consult appointment for the basil cell cancer spot on her face after school and the girls are staying until son-in-love gets off work.  IR fell asleep in my recliner and had to be woke up to go home when her dad called.   Hubbie took them home while I gathered the laundry off the clothes line.  Everything smells so fresh !!!                                                    I also cleaned out the pullet's house tonight and discovered I think another rooster in there that I thought was one of the younger pullets.  Still am not sure maybe I can hang around on mornings and see if it crows.  I got chores done and covered all the vegetables up once again for an even colder predicted night tonight.                                                                                                                                                  I had supper and then iced cakes and got things ready for tomorrow's errand day.                                        Thankful for the blessings of this day.                                                                                                        God Bless and Good Night    

1 comment:

linda m said...

Clothes hung outside to dry always smell so fresh. Wish I could do that here.