Thursday, October 17, 2019


Up to get the kids fed and g-son to school. I got chores done and then we got ready for market. I dropped RL off on the way and then met hubbie at market.
We got set up and the cold 39 degree temp surely kept customers at home today. Daughter came in with the girls and we took turns with them and watching the table.
We ended up not having a bad day so we were very thankful .
We all left market at the same time. Hubbie went to Sam's Club, daughter went to Walmart to get supplies for a large cupcake order for Saturday and I ran my banking, PO and Aldi errands picking up baking supplies and groceries.
I came home and hubbie helped me unload and then we rested for a few minutes and watched the early news.
After chores we dug a row of our potatoes since it is so easy right now to dig them. Wished we would have had time to dig more but darkness stopped us. We got a nice harvest so far of baking size potatoes.

Hubbie went down to help #1 son take his hot water heater that started leaking out. I relaxed for the evening and watched as the news talks about the system in the gulf that may be headed out way this weekend.

Tonight we are under a frost warning and the temps are supposed to be in the mid 30's . 
I am cold and am heading for a hot bath and an early bedtime. That extra blanket is going to feel good tonight.
Thankful for the blessings of this day.
God Bless and Good Night

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