Friday, November 4, 2011


Got an early phone call this morning from d-in-love. Seemed g-son was running a low grade fever again this morning and didn't feel like going to school. This is d-in-love's volunteer day at his pre-school so she brought him here and went to school alone !
He seemed fine and ate 2 waffles for breakfast while I went outside to do the chores. It is cool and windy this morning after the rainy night. There was 1 1/2" of rain in the gauge this morning.
I iced cakes and caught up some loose ends while g-son watched cartoons and rode laps around the house on his tricycle.
He still says he feels bad and his eyes look week.
I got my new little table set up and it fits and does the job fine.And actually I think it looks like a table that would be in the bathroom.The old chamber pot on the bottom shelf is from my dad and mom's house. I remember it went in a pink basket woven box with a lid and was used during the night and in really cold weather.
I finally found a matching dish pan at the Fall Harvest Days last month.
Most of the old enamel things have black trim like the smaller bucket inside the dish pan so I was glad to finally find red trim to match.
After lunch d-in-love came back and picked up g-son so I could go work at church.
Another upsetting afternoon at church because I found my equipment closet blocked and had to take time to put things away that should have been the responsibility of the users.
I came back home and g-son came back while mom went to her 2nd volunteer time of the day.
Hubbie came home and the three of us headed up to finish work at church. Normally g-son would be excited to go with us as he gets to play drums and pianos while we work but today he didn't feel so good and took his favorite blanket to snuggle with.
He tired very quickly of performing.
He snuggled quietly until his dad came to pick him up after he got off work.
As we finished work and headed home the wind still was making the sunny 54 degree day really chilly. We snacked for supper after doing the chores and then relaxed for a while.
I iced 5 chocolate cakes for an order tomorrow and 2 coconuts .
#1 son called and asked if g-son could spend the night over here so he could get up early in the morning and go deer hunting.

Grateful for the love of a forgiving gracious Lord tonight.
Good Night and God Bless.

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