Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I was surprised this morning when I checked the rain gauge to only find about 6/10 of an inch. I guess the whipping wind made the rain sound alot worse than it really was last night.
After chores and breakfast I took a short walk, it wasn't very good walking weather with the wind still gusting hard enough to take my breath away at times. The temperature was mid 40's but it felt much cooler.The sun was desperately trying to make an appearance through the clouds as they blew across the sky in the hard wind.

The water in the creek was murky and higher than usual telling me it must have rained more upstream than it did here.

When I first saw these birds I thought they were the Starlings that usually pass through here this time of year.But as I got closer and heard their cawing I realized these were Crows. I watched them challenge the wind as they swooped and floated as if having a grand time.
And just as I headed back to the house the blue skies were winning and the clouds were pushed away just that quickly.I decided to clean down stairs today because we are probably going to need a fire in the wood stove down there tonight and I have things all around it that might catch on fire if a spark escaped.
I finished that room and moved on out to the big room which I almost got done before chore time.
Hubbie and I had fresh broccoli from our winter garden tonight,yummy.
Tonight is our church Thanksgiving meal for the community and after we ate we headed up there to help.
About 125 folks showed up to enjoy the free Thanksgiving meal and all had a good time.
We all cleaned up and we got home around 8:15.
I lucked out and traded my raw thawing turkey with the neighbor who smoked 18 turkeys for the dinner so now my turkey is cooked for tomorrow all I have to do is warm it up,thanks David !!!
I baked cakes tonight,I have no idea what our Christmas celebration will be like Saturday so I made 44 more layers for cakes along with pound cakes. I still have an order of blackberry wine cakes to bake in the morning as it is 12:30 now and I just turned off the last oven.
I made my blueberry jello so I can prepare my mother's old recipe for Thanksgiving dessert tomorrow.

Thankful tonight for all the wonderful blessings I have received from my precious Lord and for His unselfish love.
Good Night , God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving.

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