Sunday, December 25, 2011


From our house to yours, may you all have a wonderfully Merry Christmas !

Hubbie and I went to church this morning,not knowing what to expect as I can't remember the last Sunday Christmas day and what church was like or if we even had church.
My faith got a big boost as we pulled into a packed parking lot and saw all our church deciding to make church a part of their Christmas Sunday morning. In fact there were almost as many people there today as there were last night at candlelight.
It was a very nice service as the pastor re-told the Christmas story from the book of Luke and we had some old Christmas songs to sing.
We had a lunch of last night's leftovers with #2 son and daughter. I got a call from d-in-love saying #1 son was still not feeling great but was better than he was last night. She also said g-son was really enjoying Christmas.She sent me a pic of him early this morning among all the toys Santa left for him.

I spent another afternoon in the kitchen cooking  for our family get together tonight. I am going to try not to eat as much as I did last night because I had trouble going to sleep I was so full of the late supper. Tonight we are eating at 6:00.
This afternoon Bernie was enjoying the Christmas decorations as he waited for his friend g-son to come to play.
Today has been cool, mid 40's and coudy most of the day so it did seem more seasonal than the 60+ days we've had lately. The sunset this evening was beautiful this evening as I did chores.
As the light of day faded and the Christmas tree lights shined brightly it was time for our family Christmas.
There was one little very excited boy running around trying to hurry everyone's supper up .
He can now read letters good enough to hand out all the gifts with a little help from Pawpaw.
Now it's time to open the packages !!
The joy of Christmas !!!

Then it was time to put together some of the toys be had.

Bernie likes to help !!!
When hubbie opened this present d-in-love told him not to shoot his eye out !!!!
I got a beautiful exercise bike and  a new rooster rug for my kitchen along with a firehouse to add to my Christmas village picked out by g-son.

Love this bike and can't wait to start my exercise program next week.
This week is going to be so busy I decided to wait to even try to get on a schedule exercising until then. Hubbie and daughter are off all week and we are going to work at her place clearing her lot. Tomorrow she and I are going shopping so she can get some Christmas decorations for next year. Hubbie is helping #2 son who is also off tomorrow  plant more trees at his place while we're shopping.
As everyone left tonight it seemed like a big let down with all the preparation and shopping and now it is all over, just like that. But it isn't over if we can keep Christmas in our hearts for the rest of the year with our love for the Lord Jesus.

These lights will go out in about another week and will be put away for another 11 months.
But for us the light of the Lord should never go out or be put away even for a minute.

#1 son sat with a heating pad on his throat for a while tonight but felt better with the aid of a pain pill.
He is going to the doctor tomorrow if he doesn't feel better. I think he may have strep throat.
All in all this has been a wonderful Christmas day and I feel very blessed to have a wonderful family to spend it with.
As this Christmas season comes to an end I want to leave with this beautiful but so true poem.
Enlarge and read it will bless your heart.

Good Night and God Bless.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, Here's hoping you and your loved ones are having a blessed Christmas. We definitely are!!!!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Merry Christmas! It sounds like you had a wonderful day! :)