Friday, March 19, 2021


Up to RL and IR crawling into bed with me and sticking their cold feet to me !!!  As I hugged them close to warm them up I thought how wonderful it is to be able to have these girls this close to me and to each other as they grow up.  These days are numbered now with RL who will start kindergarten in August so I treasure these moments more with her.  We snuggled for a while then got up. As I swung my legs out from under the covers my left knee which is usually my "good" knee caught with pain. It has done this before but it is usually after a busy day and it goes away overnight .  I wasn't looking forward to this kind of  pain all day.  I got out and got chores done and then grabbed a breakfast bar with a cup of coffee while the girls all had waffles.  I boxed up 3 of the cakes and grabbed 4 dozen eggs for another customer and headed out to meet both customers at 10:30.  Both customers were there already waiting on me so I was back home in about 10 minutes. The girls were playing together in the play room so I iced my knee for a few minutes before going to pick up lunches.  IR rode with me to Edneyville elementary today to pick them up. Unfortunately with school starting back on a regular schedule next week most schools are stopping the community meal program, but thankfully Edneyville is going to keep providing this service to pre school age kids.  We got back home with cheese pizza today and the girls loved it along with the baby carrots and fresh strawberries. Hubbie and I had salads and RL asked why I ate salad everyday. When I told her I needed to loose my winter weight she thought that was very funny !!!                                                              The girls played the afternoon away and I sat watching them and holding them when they decided to take a break and I alternated ice and heat on my knee which seemed to help.    After they all left I waked around outside and looked at all the beautiful spring flowers that are so pretty and bright on these dreary days. It has rained on and off all day today.

After chores were done we came inside to watch some March madness as UNC played their first game in the 2021 NCAA tournament against Wisconsin which they lost.  
Thankful for the blessings of this day.
God Bless and Good Night

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