Tuesday, March 2, 2021


 Up to greet IR and CA this morning. The clouds are hanging around and the temperature is in the mid 30's as I go outside to get chores done. Feels like winter has returned and it seems even colder after the warm days of last weekend. I came back inside and had breakfast with the girls before we loaded up and headed to Fletcher feed to restock my chicken feed supply. We got our Red Pontiac potato seeds today also. I am planting the left over Kennebec we have for seeds this year since I bought new seed last year. That is how we usually do it with our main potato crop when we have potatoes left over in spring. Our every other year seed buying has worked fine for us. The red potatoes are early and we don't have any of those left.  I also would like to try some of the Yukon Gold variety this year to see how they keep since one of our neighbors grew these and said they were his best keepers.                           Both girls went to sleep on the way home and we got all the feed unloaded and put away and got them in house before CA woke up. The three of us had lunch together and then we played and let IR get in a good nap today.   After she woke up and ate her lunch we watched TV and played the afternoon away.  The temperature didn't get above 43 degrees so it was a good day to stay inside.  After daughter picked the girls up hubbie and I got chores done and then I walked some this evening even if it was still cold.  I felt like I needed the fresh air and fleeting sunshine.  The sun came out just in time to light up the clouds as it sank below the horizon.

It felt good tonight to get in the warm house. We had a light supper then I iced 6 caramel cakes I made last night and did some computer work to get ready for tax season. 
Thankful for all the blessings of this day.
God Bless and Good Night