Monday, July 13, 2009


Up and out early this morning to feed the animals,hubbie leaves at 5:30 to be at work at 6:00,so mornings are all mine.After a quick bowl of cereal and hot cup of green tea I was off to collect for some avon orders that I delivered last week,also picked up some more orders for this campaign.Came home to meet up with my daughter-in-love to pick my g-son up for the day.It rained 1/2"last night so we had to play inside until the grass and mud dry up some.I sent in my avon order and had a customer come by to pick up some products she had ordered before.After lunch it was outside we go

there is just something about little boys and sticks ,this little one is wonderfully curious about everything.He also likes green tractors, guess he gets that from his pawpaw.

This looks like serious farming decisions are being made here.Wouldn't you like to know! It has been a beautiful afternoon here today and we have made the most of it. After g-son went home I went walking for about an hour,checking all the fences and waterers,and just enjoying the love of God and enjoying all that he has given us.After a light supper of left-overs from lunch yesterday I baked 7 pound cakes and 5 wine cakes to sell.It is 11:30 now and I am waiting to get the last ones out of the oven before my bath and bed.


Amy said...

W has so much fun on the farm! I'm so glad that he has you and his Memaw so close. Yall have been the biggest help ever. I can't even express my thankfulness! THANK YOU!!!

Claudia said...

boys and sticks it's right ... boys and rocks too ... Nico always wants to bring them inside the house, there are a few I've allowed indoors.

Love boys! They are so much fun.

(I'm so glad you have a blog, it is a great way to document life, isn't it?)