Saturday, December 19, 2020


 A lazy Saturday morning today felt good as hubbie and I got our morning chores done and then settled into a housecleaning morning. I cleaned out shelves in the bathroom that needed an inventory check to see exactly what was hidden in the back of them.   After lunch hubbie went out to work in his wood pile and I put away laundry and did some ironing.   Then  I took a cup of hot tea out in the sunroom and enjoyed some Christmas quiet time.   This is one of those days that it seems a waste of this space when nothing exciting goes on and I feel like my life is boring. But boring is good some days and I embrace those days just as much as I do the busy hectic days full of activity.                                                              With the weather folks predicting we might be in for an enchanting white Christmas the excitement is building.                                                                                                                                                           

Thankful for the blessings of this day and for the Reason for the Season, Jesus Christ.                

God Bless, Good Night and Merry Christmas


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