Sunday, February 4, 2018


Well after I was awakened by pouring rain on our metal roof about 5am I was definitely wondering what the morning daylight would bring.
I could still see the pouring rain out the window when I hit my Sunday morning 8am snooze button. As I watched the window I could see big globs of something falling with the rain.  I snuggled back under the warm covers for a few more zz's and then did my stretches before I got up.
An ice coating covered everything outside now and the rain was still coming down.
Hubbie browned some ground chuck and I got all the fixins for a big pot of vegetable soup ready and we put it all in the big pressure pot and turned it on.
The rain slacked a little and I ventured out to let the chickens out and get them fed. I slipped and slid all around as even the frozen water covered ground was very slick. I wished I had a video of the hens when they came out of their houses slipping and sliding all around. The ice casings were not thick enough to bring power lines or tree limbs down thankfully around here but it did create some pretty sights.

My blueberries and grape vines have a protective covering this morning.

Some of my bushes are not so pretty and leaves me wondering if they will be able to straighten back up.
The frozen ground can't absorb any of the rain as fast as it is falling.

After this and looking at my Honda completely encased in ice hubbie and I decided not to venture out to church this morning so we watched a sermon on TV from a church in SC.
Our pastor had already sent out a notice that all early morning activities were canceled and only the 11am worship would be held.
D-in-love was the only one who made it to church today.
#1 son's famly, Aa's family and #2 son made it to lunch of the delicious soup with biscuits or cornbread.
Everyone went for seconds and some thirds the soup was such a hit on this damp cool day.
And g-daughter RL liked my home made grape jelly on her biscuit.

The rain stopped leaving 1.5 inches in the gauge and the sun did manage a short appearance this afternoon with temps in the mid 40's to at least thaw all the iced coverings away from everything.
Hubbie and I had a relaxing afternoon watching some old TV shows on Netflix before heading back out to get the evening chores done.
We are resting tonight getting ready for a busy week and wondering what we will wake up to in the morning with more predictions of snow flurries and black ice with mid 20's overnight temps.
Thankful  for the blessings of this day.
God Bless and Good Night.

1 comment:

linda m said...

Love the pictures of RL with grape jelly all over her face. I didn't make it to church Sunday morning either as we were snowed in. The plow didn't come until after church was over. Then we had to shovel out the driveway and the stuff the plow deposited at the end of the driveway - about 4 inches of the white stuff. Today we are expecting another round of snow late this afternoon. Really looking forward to Spring. Blessings