Friday, May 26, 2017


Up and out on this beautiful but cool,49 degrees morning. I love waking to the sound of the birds chatter outside my bedroom window.
After chores and breakfast I took a nice walk and enjoyed breathing in the fresh cool air . I feel like I am moving slower this morning from all this head and throat cold that seems to be getting worse.
I started taking my Airborne gummies again this morning so maybe they will help with my energy level as the day goes on.
Hubbie is taking another 1/2 day off to catch up on the gardening and bush hogging since it has rained so many days and the weeds have gotten far ahead of us.
He got on the tractor and bushhog first and took care of all the buttercups in the upper pasture. The lower pastures are still to wet to get in with a tractor.
I had an early lunch then started baking cakes. I baked 6 caramel, 3 chocolate, 3 pound, 2 coffee cakes and 2 pans of brownies. While the last cakes were in the ovens I started my sewing project for the day but didn't get finished before the cakes got done.
The nice sunshine called me loudly and I spent about an hour soaking up the vitamin D it provides.
Hubbie has worked all day in the garden and I went up to help. I pulled weeds and made the chickens very happy. We put up the green bean trellis as they are starting to put out runners.

#1 son came up to borrow a wheelbarrow and helped carry the big panels into place.
 Hubbie and I worked until choretime ripping all the paper feed sacks apart and putting them between the rows.
We came inside and had supper then I started icing cakes and getting ready for market while he washed the eggs.
I got into bed around 11:30 to call it a day. I need to get an hour earlier start in the morning to beat the crowd of Garden Jubilee goers to a parking spot close to market.
Thankful for the blessings of this day .
God Bless and Good Night.

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