Tuesday, June 12, 2018


The sounds of kids is a nice thing to wake up to in the morning. All three g-kids were here and having breakfast while I did the chores. After we all got finished eating and IR drank her morning bottle we decided today would be a good day for park play. It is another overcast day that is unseasonably cool and breezy.
Flat Rock Park has things for all ages to do so we headed over there. We met some folks from our community there and the kids had a ball playing.

We had stopped at McDonalds on the way to the park and kept lunch in a heated cooler while they played and worked up appetites. We had a picnic lunch under the picnic shelter.
After lunch g-son wanted to go back to the playground and RL wanted to go look for things in the ponds at the park. She saw a huge gold carp swimming around just under the water and said it was Nemo !!!
This little girl has changed so much in a year, This first picture was taken at this same park last June 12,2017 …..
And this was a pic I took today of her in almost the exact same spot on the same slide.
When we all got in the Honda to head home it surely didn't take long for sleep to come for either girl and g-son almost went to sleep also but he managed to stay awake until we got home.
While they napped hubbie worked outside and I stayed inside with them.
After the girls were picked up hubbie and I watched the news and then did chores.
Every once in a while  a chick hatches that is just different from all the others right from the beginning. This little rooster has never had any fear of me when I opened his box to put feed and water in and this made his mama hen very anxious a couple times when he was a small chick and came running to my hand.
Now he is away from his mama in a large box with other chicks his age and he still comes running for some human attention each time I open the door .

We rested tonight and had an early bedtime.
God Bless and Good Night

1 comment:

linda m said...

Nothing beats a day at the park. Great pictures. Blessings