Thursday, April 25, 2019


Another sleepless night even with the ice pack on it last night my knee pain was relentless.When I had to go to the bathroom early this morning I thought I was actually going to have to crawl because it hurt so bad to put any weight on that leg.
After I got back in bed and did my stretching exercises  my knee seemed to loosen up and I was able to walk almost normally with a stretching brace on it.
We got the girls ready and got things ready for market. As we went out to get in the Honda it started to lightly rain and I had to go back inside for a rain jacket.
I dropped RL at pre-school and met hubbie and IR at market.
Market was empty of customers this morning and stayed that way pretty much all day. Connie picked up IR about 10:15 and I got some market banking business done while hubbie watched our table.
When I got back he went to the dump and brought out lunch back. He left to go to Home Depot and Sam's Club after we ate.
I am thankful for all I did sell on this very slow day but hoping for better days to come in sales.
I left market and stopped at the bank then went to Aldi and the PO on the way home.
Hubbie helped get things unloaded before he got on the lawn mower. Thankfully the rains have been very sparse and the grass was dry this evening.
Daughter and IR picked me up to go with her to meet a lady with a double baby stroller that she was buying. We don't like her going to meet strangers alone especially with IR along.
She bought the stroller and we came home. She dropped me off and I got a heating pad and put it on my knee to see if it would help any since the ice didn't seem to do any good at all last night.
I was happy that the heat did seem to make my knee feel better and when I went outside to get the evening chores done I was hardly limping.
Hubbie had finished mowing the lawn and had gotten on the tractor to bush hog the upper pasture.
I got chores done and then clipped some unwanted bushes out of some Forsythia bushes I have.
I came inside and caught up my blog post then got back on the heating pad with my knee.
Definitely heading to bed early tonight to catch up on my lost sleep . I am really feeling the sleeplessness of this week tonight.
To continue the decade pics for this month tonight with the kindergarten circus for #2 son's class. His teacher Mrs. Salatino was a wonderful teacher and made school so much fun. #2 son was one of the strongmen in the circus.

Also that month we took a little bottle baby calf into the his class or them to see.

Fun memories of special times in our life.
Thankful for the wonderful blessings thoughout my life and today.
God Bless and Good Night

1 comment:

linda m said...

Praying your knee feels better soon. Blessings