Tuesday, August 21, 2012


G-son and I watched early morning TV again today while waiting for chore time. It was a very foggy morning again and the grass was really wet even after the sun burned the fog off so he was mad because his jeep would spin in the wet grass and choose another riding vehicle this morning.
The only drawback to this ride was the pull back up the hill.

After the grass dried he did get his jeep back out and ride it around.
While he was outside most of the day I was inside doing laundry and housecleaning chores.
I got my hair trimmed this afternoon by my neighbor beautician friend and it feels so much lighter.
#2 son called early today and wants us to go look at another house with him tonight at 7:30. This is a house just like the one he looked at last week but on the other side of town.

Just as I finished chores this evening the rain started again and we got another  1/2" .   
It wasn't a really hard rain but fell steadily for over an hour, stopping just as we left to go meet with son.
This house is rented so everything works and there is no huge trees hanging over it to be cut. The inside is more wood than the other one which means less to paint but the outside is lapped siding instead of tongue and groove like the other one which is not as pretty. He is making an offer tomorrow. It is still only about 20 minutes from our house.
Stopped at Ingles on the way home for more milk for g-son, he is a chocolate milk drinker for sure.
As I sat outside this afternoon and watched g-son ride around I noticed this little guy and the thought hit me of how many lizards I've seen this summer.
It seems funny that I remember when I was younger there were many lizards around  but for many of the past years I haven't seen any or maybe just a couple out in the woods. But this year there is abundance of these blue tailed skinks and these Eastern Fence lizards and they are braver coming on the porches and patios very close to the house.
I wonder if the mild winter caused more lizards to help keep the greater population of insects in check !
Getting on a new schedule this week in preparation for getting g-son to school next week so it's off to bed early tonight.
Thanking God for the blessings He gave me today and asking for His guidance for #2 son in the house hunt.
Good Night and God Bless.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

You know what August fogs mean!!!!!! SNOW in winter!!!! I do hope we have a snowy winter.. That will be SO different from last year's mild winter...

Lots of lizards, huh????? Neat!!!!

tysou said...

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