Saturday, January 5, 2019


Heard the wind whipping this morning as soon as I woke up. I had trouble getting to sleep last night for some reason so I was slow to get started this morning.
Watching the wind whip the tall leaning pine tree that is threatening to fall across the power lines into our garden got me moving much faster turning all the chickens and guineas out of their houses and feeding them this morning.
Hubbie loaded my Honda and we were off early to market.
The sun is shining this morning and it feels so good not to have on raingear.
Market was really slow again today I made about $55 today at least to best Thursday but there still was very few customers in today.
I left a few minutes early once again and went to Ingles to get supplies for tomorrow's lunch.
I got home and hubbie had just gotten in the house from cutting up firewood all afternoon.
We got unloaded and then I took a short rest before getting the evening chores done.
This has been a nice quiet Saturday evening and it has given me a chance to catch up my blog post finally but I still need to look over each one before I post it so maybe that can happen tomorrow evening.
Another storm is moving across the country but hopefully it will stay north of our area giving us a dry week for the first time in I can't remember how long.

Thankful for the blessings of this day.
God Bless and Good Night

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