Saturday, August 17, 2019


Up to get ready for market this morning. It is already hot as I got chores done and grabbed a cup of Keifer for some protein this morning on my way to market .
There were several customers waiting for me when I arrived at market so it was a hectic early morning. Hubbie went by daughter's and picked up her breads.
Daughter and the girls came in a little later and helped for a little while before she had to get home to feed CA.
Hubbie left to make our weekly Sam's Club trip and get home to finish some work from yesterday.
It was very hot in market again today but sales were much better than Thursdays so I am very thankful for that.
I was glad to see 2:00 roll around again today and get in my air conditioned vehicle.
I made a stop at Big Lots in hopes to find some lemon and almond flavoring but found a bunch of other things instead !!!
I came home and hubbie helped me unload and get things put away.
We rested for a little while then got chores done.
Another colorful eastern sky tonight.

Thankful for the blessings of this day and praying for CA harder each day as surgery gets closer.
God Bless and Good Night

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